( Amps, Pre-amps, speaker's, Sound effects,Etc ) --- Click Here --- |
The Cushion Club - Bergen,
Norway - 15th Apr 05 - Part 1
- Jah
Tubbys World System Ina Session -
To Listen to a Sound Clip of this Session - Press
Early morning and we just
reach Stanstead Airport,
and as usual it's grey
and cloudy...
Errol ( Gideon
Zinger )Bellot and Dixie ( Pure
Worries )
Peach boarding the plane
for the journey.....
Now we are flying over Norway on our way | to Bergen .....Not long until we arrive...... |
Yes, We reach.....Jah Tubbys World System touch | down ina Norway for the first time...... |
Bergen Airport and the
World System Crew stop for a photo,
Errol ( Gideon
Zinger )Bellot, Mr Flex, Prof. Natty and
Dixie ( Pure
Worries ) Peach.....
Outside the Club, Mr Flex and Prof. Natty....
Prof. Natty stringing up
the " Pre-Amp "... Because we
are not playing off our
" World System " we go to the
Club early for a Sound
Just a Pre-Amp, Sound
Effects unit and a Mike.... No
lifting heavy boxes tonight......
We just start playing and
the Session is Warming Up
With Jah Tubbys World
System ina Norway.......
Session is Rocking and
Prof. Natty is Niceing up the
Crowd-a-People.... (
Sorry Prof. Natty the camera-man
missed you in this photo....
We will get you next time !!!!!
Jah Tubbys World System
ina Norway.......
Dixie ( Pure
Worries ) Peach singing live on Jah Tubbys
World System here @ the
Cushion Club, Norway....
Dixie ( Pure
Worries ) Peach live on Jah Tubbys
World System here ina
Session is a Road-Block...
it's Jam-Out and it's Pure Roots
Entertainment and
Good Vibes.........
Errol (Gideon
Zinger)Bellot singing live on Jah Tubbys
World System @ the Cushion
Club, Norway....
Prof. ( Love
Jah ) Natty live on Jah Tubbys
World System @ the Cushion
Club, Norway....
( Prof.
Natty looks like your being filmed by
Norwegian Tv Channel 4..
Hope we can
pick up the Television
signal from London !!!!! )
Errol (Gideon
Zinger)Bellot looks
like your being filmed by
Norwegian Channel 4 Tv
as well !!!!.
Niceing up the Session Ina Roots Style.....
Outside the Club is Cold
but in here is RED HOT,
the Crew
are working hard and Dixie
( Pure Worries
) Peach is taking a
few minutes break while
Prof. Natty Entertains the people....
As there are loads of Photo's
we didn't want to distress it
with 1 really long page
so we have split the photo's over
2 pages
Please Click below for
the rest of the Photo's
To Continue to the next Page - CLICK Here *
( A new window will open. )
All Images, Text & other content on these webpages are Copyright - (p) (c) Jah Tubbys World System 2005